/women's defense
Escape Tactics and Sexual Assault Prevention
8 hours / $ 150 – Prices may vary according to size of class.
The armed and educated understand what many do not: Close, violent attacks frequently prevent the victim from accessing a defensive weapon. Time and distance greatly improve their chances of winning a violent confrontation.
This course is based on the fundamentals of Aikido. You’ll learn to protect yourself against attackers regardless of their size. Most importantly, you’ll see immediate results. You will be able to confidently handle close proximity violent attacks while training your mind to be a winner!!!
This can be a 1 or 2 day course
Conflict resolution and mindset
Threat de-escalation
Wrist locks
Escape techniques
Control techniques
Choke defense
Ground survival
Hand-to-hand strike and defense techniques
CCW | Best Friends | San's Girls |
Debbie, Kim & Jayme | Tyla Target | Shauna Reynolds Range |